ID: 000004
Description: A challenge for data sharing in systems neuroscience is the multitude of different data formats used. Neurodata Without Borders: Neurophysiology 2.0 (NWB:N) has emerged as a standardized data format for the storage of cellular-level data together with meta-data, stimulus information, and behavior. A key next step to facilitate NWB:N adoption is to provide easy to use processing pipelines to import/export data from/to NWB:N. Here, we present a NWB-formatted dataset of 1863 single neurons recorded from the medial temporal lobes of 59 human subjects undergoing intracranial monitoring while they performed a recognition memory task. We provide code to analyze and export/import stimuli, behavior, and electrophysiological recordings to/from NWB in both MATLAB and Python. The data files are NWB:N compliant, which affords interoperability between programming languages and operating systems. This combined data and code release is a case study for how to utilize NWB:N for human single-neuron recordings and enables easy re-use of this hard-to-obtain data for both teaching and research on the mechanisms of human memory.
ID: 000005
Description: intracellular and extracellular electrophysiology recordings performed on mouse barrel cortex and ventral posterolateral nucleus (vpm) in whisker-based object locating task.
ID: 000006
Description: Extracellular electrophysiology recordings performed on mouse anterior lateral motor cortex (ALM) in delay response task. Neural activity from two neuron populations, pyramidal track upper and lower, were characterized, in relation to movement execution. Some files, as originally (re)distributed from e.g. were found to be broken and would not be able available among reorganized files under sub-* directories.
ID: 000007
Description: Extracellular recording in ALM
ID: 000009
Description: We recorded spikes from the ALM and thalamus during tactile discrimination with a delayed directional response. Here we show that, similar to ALM neurons, thalamic neurons exhibited selective persistent delay activity that predicted movement direction. Unilateral photoinhibition of delay activity in the ALM or thalamus produced contralesional neglect. Photoinhibition of the thalamus caused a short-latency and near-complete collapse of ALM activity. Similarly, photoinhibition of the ALM diminished thalamic activity. Our results show that the thalamus is a circuit hub in motor preparation and suggest that persistent activity requires reciprocal excitation across multiple brain areas.
ID: 000010
Description: Data from "A motor cortex circuit for motor planning and movement" Li et al. Nature 2015
ID: 000013
Description: Data from "Low-noise encoding of active touch by layer 4 in the somatosensory cortex" Hires, Gutnisky et al. Elife 2015
ID: 000015
Description: Data from "A Map of Anticipatory Activity in Mouse Motor Cortex" Chen et al. Neuron 2017
ID: 000039
Description: A two photon calcium imaging dataset from Allen Institute measuring responses to full-field drifting gratings (approx. 120x90 degrees of visual space) of 8 directions and 6 contrasts (5%, 10%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%). Mouse Cre lines expressing GCaMP6f were imaged to record responses of pyramidal neurons across cortical layers (Cux2: layer 2/3; Rorb: layer 4; Rbp4: layer 5; Ntsr1: layer 6) as well as inhibitory interneurons (Vip and Sst). All experimental sessions took place on the same data collection pipeline as the Allen Brain Observatory (see and have the same visual stimulus monitor calibration and positioning, two photon imaging systems and image processing pipeline, and running wheel to track locomotion. Data are subject to Allen Institute Terms of Use policy, available at:
ID: 000055
Description: Understanding the neural basis of human movement in naturalistic scenarios is critical for expanding neuroscience research beyond constrained laboratory paradigms. The neural correlates of unstructured, spontaneous movements in completely naturalistic settings have rarely been studied, due in large part to a lack of available data. Here, we present our Annotated Joints in Long-term Electrocorticography for 12 human participants (AJILE12) dataset, the largest human neurobehavioral dataset that is publicly available; the dataset was recorded opportunistically during passive clinical epilepsy monitoring. AJILE12 includes synchronized intracranial neural recordings and upper body pose trajectories across 55 semi-continuous days of naturalistic movements, along with relevant metadata, including thousands of wrist movement events and annotated behavioral states. Neural recordings are available at 500 Hz from at least 64 electrodes per participant, for a total of 1280 hours. Pose trajectories at 9 upper-body keypoints, including wrist, elbow, and shoulder joints, were sampled at 30 frames per second and estimated from 118 million video frames. In adherence with the FAIR data principles, we have shared AJILE12 on The Dandi Archive in the Neurodata Without Borders (NWB) data standard and developed a browser-based dashboard to facilitate data exploration and reuse.
ID: 000108
Description: This dataset contains images of 1 mm sections of human brain tissue showing nuclei, NeuN+ cells and blood vessels. Each tissue section was first SHIELD-processed for protein protection and delipidated to clear the tissue. The tissues were stained with YOYO1 (nuclei), anti-NeuN antibody (with Rhodamine Red-X secondary antibody) and Lectin (blood vessel) for 8 days in total and then optically cleared using ExPROTOS (a refractive matching solution). The sample was imaged using light sheet microscopy at a resolution of ~2.5 um x 3.6 um x 2.5 um. Each slab was imaged using multiple stacks. Offset transforms are included with the dataset to enable reconstruction of each slab.
ID: 000363
Description: Mesoscale Activity Map Project. Map behavior-related activity in a multi-regional network supporting memory-guided movement in mice. Anatomy-guided recordings from multiple connected brain regions, from anterior lateral motor cortex to the medulla. Supported by Simons Collaboration on the Global Brain, Janelia Visitor Project, NIH U19NS123714-01, R01NS112312, R01EB028171, McKnight foundation
ID: 000402
Description: The light microscopic images were acquired from a cubic millimeter volume that spanned portions of primary visual cortex and three higher visual cortical areas. The volume was imaged in vivo by two-photon random access mesoscope (2P-RAM) from postnatal days P75 to P81 in a male mouse expressing a genetically encoded calcium indicator in excitatory cells, while the mouse viewed natural movies and parametric stimuli. The calcium imaging data includes the single-cell responses of an estimated 75,000 pyramidal cells imaged over a volume of approximately 1200 x 1100 x 500 μm3 (anteroposterior x mediolateral x radial depth). The center of the volume was placed at the junction of primary visual cortex (VISp) and three higher visual areas, lateromedial area (VISlm), rostrolateral area (VISrl) and anterolateral area (VISal). During imaging, the animal was head-restrained, and the stimulus was presented to the left visual field. Treadmill rotation (single axis) and video of the animal's left eye were captured throughout the scan, yielding the locomotion velocity, eye movements, and pupil diameter data included here. The functional data were co-registered with electron microscopy (EM) data. The structural identifiers of the matched cells are added as plane segmentation columns extracted from the CAVE database. To access the latest revision see the notebook that is linked to this dandiset. The structural ids might not be present for all plane segmentations.
ID: 000409
Description: The International Brain lab (IBL) aims to understand the neural basis of decision-making in the mouse by gathering a whole-brain activity map composed of electrophysiological recordings pooled from multiple laboratories. We have systematically recorded from nearly all major brain areas with Neuropixels probes, using a grid system for unbiased sampling and replicating each recording site in at least two laboratories. These data have been used to construct a brain-wide map of activity at single-spike cellular resolution during a decision-making task. In addition to the map, this data set contains other information gathered during the task: sensory stimuli presented to the mouse; mouse decisions and response times; and mouse pose information from video recordings and DeepLabCut analysis.
ID: 000458
Description: In this set of experiments, we recorded neural signals using an electroencephalography (EEG) array and Neuropixels probes while directly electrically stimulating the cortex in awake and anesthetized head-fixed mice. Details of the experiments can be found in the associated manuscript (Claar, Rembado et al., 2023). Briefly, the recordings and stimulation commenced while the mouse was awake, free to rest or move on a rotating disc. After delivering a series of stimuli, anesthesia was induced with isoflurane (5% via inhalation). Once a surgical level of anesthesia was reached, the mouse was maintained unconscious (1-1.5% isoflurane) during the delivery of another series of stimuli. In some subjects another series of stimuli was delivered after the isoflurane was turned off, this epoch/state is referred to as “recovery” in the dataset. Each session file includes the following data: raw EEG signals from all 30 surface electrodes and the associated electrode information; raw LFP signals from all electrodes on all Neuropixels probes (if used) and the associated electrode information; spike times for all units (spike sorted with Kilosort 2.0) that passed our quality threshold with associated information (brain region, spike waveform duration, etc.); subject’s speed computed from the rotation of the disc for the entire session; epochs marking when isoflurane was induced and when it was maintained; and a trial table containing information about every stimulus delivered throughout the session. All sessions included an awake and an isoflurane epoch, but not all sessions included a recovery epoch. Some subjects received visual stimulation trials (visual stimuli presented on a screen in the subject’s right field of view) interleaved with the electrical stimulation trials.
ID: 000559
Description: Spontaneous animal behaviour is built from action modules that are concatenated by the brain into sequences. However, the neural mechanisms that guide the composition of naturalistic, self-motivated behaviour remain unknown. Here we show that dopamine systematically fluctuates in the dorsolateral striatum (DLS) as mice spontaneously express sub-second behavioural modules, despite the absence of task structure, sensory cues or exogenous reward. Photometric recordings and calibrated closed-loop optogenetic manipulations during open field behaviour demonstrate that DLS dopamine fluctuations increase sequence variation over seconds, reinforce the use of associated behavioural modules over minutes, and modulate the vigour with which modules are expressed, without directly influencing movement initiation or moment-to-moment kinematics. Although the reinforcing effects of optogenetic DLS dopamine manipulations vary across behavioural modules and individual mice, these differences are well predicted by observed variation in the relationships between endogenous dopamine and module use. Consistent with the possibility that DLS dopamine fluctuations act as a teaching signal, mice build sequences during exploration as if to maximize dopamine. Together, these findings suggest a model in which the same circuits and computations that govern action choices in structured tasks have a key role in sculpting the content of unconstrained, high-dimensional, spontaneous behavior.
ID: 000582
Description: The dataset includes spike times for recorded grid cells from the medial entorhinal cortex (MEC) in rats that explored two-dimensional environments. The behavioral data includes position from the tracking LEDs. This sample was published in Sargolini et al. (Science, 2006). Grid cells in the medial entorhinal cortex (MEC) are part of an environment-independent spatial coordinate system. To determine how information about location, direction, and distance is integrated in the grid-cell network, we recorded from each principal cell layer of MEC in rats that explored two-dimensional environments. Whereas layer II was predominated by grid cells, grid cells colocalized with head-direction cells and conjunctive grid x head-direction cells in the deeper layers. All cell types were modulated by running speed. The conjunction of positional, directional, and translational information in a single MEC cell type may enable grid coordinates to be updated during self-motion-based navigation.
ID: 000718
Description: Memories are encoded in neural ensembles during learning and are stabilized by post-learning reactivation. Integrating recent experiences into existing memories ensures that memories contain the most recently available information, but how the brain accomplishes this critical process remains unclear. Here we show that in mice, a strong aversive experience drives offline ensemble reactivation of not only the recent aversive memory but also a neutral memory formed 2 days before, linking fear of the recent aversive memory to the previous neutral memory. Fear specifically links retrospectively, but not prospectively, to neutral memories across days. Consistent with previous studies, we find that the recent aversive memory ensemble is reactivated during the offline period after learning. However, a strong aversive experience also increases co-reactivation of the aversive and neutral memory ensembles during the offline period. Ensemble co-reactivation occurs more during wake than during sleep. Finally, the expression of fear in the neutral context is associated with reactivation of the shared ensemble between the aversive and neutral memories. Collectively, these results demonstrate that offline ensemble co-reactivation is a neural mechanism by which memories are integrated across days.
ID: 000727
Description: Walking is a fundamental mode of locomotion, yet its neural correlates are unknown at brain-wide scale in any animal. We use volumetric two-photon imaging to map neural activity associated with walking across the entire brain of Drosophila. We detect locomotor signals in approximately 40% of the brain, identify a global signal associated with the transition from rest to walking, and define clustered neural signals selectively associated with changes in forward or angular velocity. These networks span functionally diverse brain regions, and include regions that have not been previously linked to locomotion. We also identify time-varying trajectories of neural activity that anticipate future movements, and that represent sequential engagement of clusters of neurons with different behavioral selectivity. These motor maps suggest a dynamical systems framework for constructing walking maneuvers reminiscent of models of forelimb reaching in primates and set a foundation for understanding how local circuits interact across large-scale networks.
ID: 000728
Description: From the Allen Institute Brain Observatory, the Visual Coding (optical physiology) dataset is a large-scale, standardized survey of physiological activity across the mouse visual cortex, hippocampus, and thalamus. This two-photon imaging dataset features visually evoked calcium responses from GCaMP6-expressing neurons in a range of cortical layers, visual areas, and Cre lines. We hope that experimentalists and modelers will use these comprehensive, open datasets as a testbed for theories of visual information processing. Full documentation of the Visual Coding Ophys dataset and tutorials can be found here: The Visual Coding Ecephys (NeuroPixels) dataset can be found here:
ID: 000947
Description: This dataset contains recordings of single-unit activity from from multiple brain areas, including globus pallidus-internus (GPi), ventrolateral nucleus of the thalamus (VLa and VLp) and the arm-related regions of primary motor cortex, including sulcus (M1-S) and gyrus (M1-G) subregions, in monkeys performing a choice reaction time reaching task. Small numbers of recordings were also obtained from supplementary motor area (SMA), external globus pallidus (GPe), the thalamic reticular nucleus (RTN), striatum (STR) and the region between RTN and VL thalamus (R-V). It contains data from two monkeys before and after the administration of MPTP (1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine), which induces Parkinsonism. The neuronal activity was recorded using 16-contact linear probes (0.5–1.0 MΩ, V-probe, Plexon) or glass-insulated tungsten microelectrodes (0.5–1.5 MΩ, Alpha Omega). The neuronal data were amplified (4×, 2 Hz–7.5 kHz) and digitized at 24.414 kHz (approx., 16-bit resolution; Tucker Davis Technologies). The neuronal data were high-pass filtered (Fpass: 200 Hz, Matlab FIRPM) and thresholded, and candidate action potentials were sorted into clusters in principal components space (Off-line Sorter, Plexon or custom algorithm, TomSort, The recordings for subject Isis before the administration of MPTP (pre-MPTP) were collected by Daisuke Kase. The recordings for subject Isis after the administration of MPTP (post-MPTP) were collected by Yan Han (韩妍). The recordings for subject Gaia (pre-MPTP, post-MPTP) from 2015 were collected by Andrew J. Zimnik. The recordings for subject Gaia (post-MPTP) from 2016-2017 were also collected by Daisuke Kase.
ID: 000971
Description: Compulsive behavior is a defining feature of disorders such as substance use disorders. Current evidence suggests that corticostriatal circuits control the expression of established compulsions, but little is known about the mechanisms regulating the development of compulsions. We hypothesized that dopamine, a critical modulator of striatal synaptic plasticity, could control alterations in corticostriatal circuits leading to the development of compulsions (defined here as continued reward seeking in the face of punishment). We used dual-site fiber photometry to measure dopamine axon activity in the dorsomedial striatum (DMS) and the dorsolateral striatum (DLS) as compulsions emerged. Individual variability in the speed with which compulsions emerged was predicted by DMS dopamine axon activity. Amplifying this dopamine signal accelerated animals’ transitions to compulsion, whereas inhibition delayed it. In contrast, amplifying DLS dopamine signaling had no effect on the emergence of compulsions. These results establish DMS dopamine signaling as a key controller of the development of compulsive reward seeking.
ID: 001038
Description: Dopamine neurons are characterized by their response to unexpected rewards, but they also fire during movement and aversive stimuli. Dopamine neuron diversity has been observed based on molecular expression profiles; however, whether different functions map onto such genetic subtypes remains unclear. In this study, we established that three genetic dopamine neuron subtypes within the substantia nigra pars compacta, characterized by the expression of Slc17a6 (Vglut2), Calb1 and Anxa1, each have a unique set of responses to rewards, aversive stimuli and accelerations and decelerations, and these signaling patterns are highly correlated between somas and axons within subtypes. Remarkably, reward responses were almost entirely absent in the Anxa1+ subtype, which instead displayed acceleration-correlated signaling. Our findings establish a connection between functional and genetic dopamine neuron subtypes and demonstrate that molecular expression patterns can serve as a common framework to dissect dopaminergic functions.
ID: 001075
Description: The dataset used in the paper "Randi, F., Sharma, A.K., Dvali, S. et al. Neural signal propagation atlas of Caenorhabditis elegans. Nature 623, 406–414 (2023)." Establishing how neural function emerges from network properties is a fundamental problem in neuroscience. Here, to better understand the relationship between the structure and the function of a nervous system, we systematically measure signal propagation in 23,433 pairs of neurons across the head of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans by direct optogenetic activation and simultaneous whole-brain calcium imaging. We measure the sign (excitatory or inhibitory), strength, temporal properties and causal direction of signal propagation between these neurons to create a functional atlas. We find that signal propagation differs from model predictions that are based on anatomy. Using mutants, we show that extrasynaptic signalling not visible from anatomy contributes to this difference. We identify many instances of dense-core-vesicle-dependent signalling, including on timescales of less than a second, that evoke acute calcium transients—often where no direct wired connection exists but where relevant neuropeptides and receptors are expressed. We propose that, in such cases, extrasynaptically released neuropeptides serve a similar function to that of classical neurotransmitters. Finally, our measured signal propagation atlas better predicts the neural dynamics of spontaneous activity than do models based on anatomy. We conclude that both synaptic and extrasynaptic signalling drive neural dynamics on short timescales, and that measurements of evoked signal propagation are crucial for interpreting neural function. Read the paper at:
ID: 001084
Description: Neural population dynamics relevant to behavior vary over multiple spatial and temporal scales across three-dimensional volumes. Current optical approaches lack the spatial coverage and resolution necessary to measure and manipulate naturally occurring patterns of large-scale, distributed dynamics within and across deep brain regions such as the striatum. We designed a new micro-fiber array approach capable of chronically measuring and optogenetically manipulating local dynamics across over 100 targeted locations simultaneously in head-fixed and freely moving mice, enabling the investigation of cell-type- and neurotransmitter-specific signals over arbitrary 3D volumes at a spatial resolution and coverage previously inaccessible. We applied this method to resolve rapid dopamine release dynamics across the striatum, revealing distinct, modality-specific spatiotemporal patterns in response to salient sensory stimuli extending over millimeters of tissue.
ID: 001170
Description: This study explores odor-evoked activity representation in the olfactory bulb (OB) and how odor responses enable odor discrimination. Contrary to some previously cited theories that suggest a sparse representation, we hypothesize a more dense representation during odor presentation. A key question is how odors are reliably encoded in OB activity patterns, and how these patterns contribute to early odor processing. To address this problem, we recorded population level odor responses from the mouse OB with mesoscale two photon calcium imaging and applied machine learning techniques to suggest a model in which sparse coding is largely sufficient for olfaction, but redundant information may make odor coding more robust across different variables.